Our beloved Aya passed away / איה היקרה שלנו נפטרה

איה האהובה שלנו הלכה לעולמה ב-20 בפברואר 2019. החדשות העציבו וזעזעו את בני משפחתה, ידידיה ורבים מעמיתיה, תלמידיה, מיועצים במעבדה הסטטיסטית בטכניון, ועוד רבים אחרים שאיתם היו לה קשרים חמים של שנים ארוכות.
בלוג זה הוקם בשנת 2008 כדי להנציח את פרישתה של איה מהטכניון. היא שמחה לקרוא את ההודעות היפות שנכתבו על ידי רבים כל כך מאלה שהיא נגעה בחייהם.
בזמן עצוב זה החלטנו לפתוח מחדש את הבלוג לכתיבת סיפורים לזכרה, כאנדרטה וירטואלית. אתם מוזמנים "לשמוע" על חייה ותרומותיה הנפלאות של איה ולשתף בסיפוריכם שלכם

Our beloved Aya passed away on Feb 20, 2019. The news has saddened and shocked her family, friends and many of her colleagues, past students, mentees, advisees at the Technion statistics lab, and so many more with whom Aya had wonderful life-long relationships.
This blog was created in 2008 to commemorate Aya's retirement from the Technion. She was delighted to read the lovely posts contributed by so many of those whose lives she touched.
In this sad moment of Aya's passing away, we decided to re-open the blog for posts, serving as a virtual memorial. We invite everyone to "hear" about Aya's life and wonderful contributions, and to share your stories.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Statistical Inspiration


Where would I be without you? Where would so much of my research be?

Simply said -- we -- me and my research -- would be lost without you. In so many cases my students and I could not make sense of our own data. And you found a way. So many studies would have remained unfinished without you. Of course it was always my own fault -- I myself managed to create a research design in which I could not sort through the statistical complications. But you were there for me -- you managed to salvage my mutant data.

You are always there, knowledgeable about the most appropriate way to frame and comprehend methodological or statistical issues. Always eager and able to be helpful. I am not sure you are aware how grateful I am about this. I want this blog to convey my deeply felt gratitude and appreciation.

You have also been nice, kind and warmly welcoming throughout my time at the Technion. You have always made me feel so welcome, so connected, so real. In the very industrial, technical, mathematical culture of our faculty the people are too often lost. Thank you for continuing to remind us that good work can be done amidst an aura of warmth, pleasantness, welcome.

In your terms - you been have a Highly Significant Inspiration for me about doing top quality social science research while also being a nice person.

I know we will continue to see you at the faculty, and I am grateful for that. I also wish you many more years of enjoying your work and your family.

Much love,


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